Fort Collins Photo Works

Knights of the Tempest and Beauty model shoot 2017-02-05

Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Bryan the Black Knight Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Dawn Clifford Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo Jo in bear skin Jo in bear skin Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kallyn the narrator Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Kryssi, Knights of the Tempest Captain Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Melissa Deeb Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Morgan Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest Knights of the Tempest

Model Shoot 2017-02-05
Bryan - Black knight (Knights of the Tempest)
Jo - Barbarian (Knights of the Tempest)
Kallyn - Narrator (Knights of the Tempest)
Kryssi - Captain (Knights of the Tempest)
Morgan - Knight (Knights of the Tempest)

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